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The world is a busy, often stressful place and finding a way to relax every day is almost a necessity. Crochet is my favorite way to chill out (and often keep my sanity!). Here are five ways how crochet can help you relax.
The Feeling of Soft Yarn
Let’s just put it out there – everything about yarn is relaxing. But nothing can beat the feeling of it in your hands. The softness, the warmth, the bounce. It’s like a stress ball but oh so much better. Just holding a new ball of yarn in your hands at the end a stressful day can make everything better. You give it a little squish and ahhhh, the tension just seems to melt away.
Pleasing colors
Of course, softness and squishiness is not the only amazing thing about yarn. The color of yarn can make such a difference in your mood. We all have our preferences and different colors and shades of color can influence us in a different way. I love using light peaceful colors of the ocean water, sand and foam. I grew up by the sea and these colors remind me of the soothing sound of the waves, fresh breeze and cool refreshing feel of the water. Plus, these colors are just naturally calming as blues and greens tend to be. I prefer to use these colors in my designs so that when I work with them, I also relax at the same time.
Repeating movements
Think of crochet as a meditation in motion. Repeating stitches, similar movement of the hook helps us zone out and get lost in the project. I don’t know about you, but I can literally feel my heart rate and breathing slow down as I get into my crochet project.
Simpler linear projects are the best since they don’t require much shaping or counting and have a lot of repetition. Because of that, blankets are my favorite go-to project. Yes, they take a lot of time, but it’s not what it’s all about.
I view blanket making as a form of self-care as I know that it promises me days upon days of calming, simple, relaxing project I don’t have to worry about and get lost in…
Keeping the mind off things
… And this bring me to the next point. Working on a crochet project, however simple still requires a bit of concentration. By focusing on task at hand, you keep your mind off other, more stressful things.
Making the crochet project center of your attention and getting really lost in it, you give your worried stressed mind a break and I’m sure it thanks you.
Feeling of achievement
One of the things I love the most about crochet is a feeling of achievement and satisfaction that it gives me. Let’s all admit it – daily tasks we do are thankless jobs that never end.
Cooking, cleaning, washing dishes or doing laundry – all of this never lasts. As soon as you have finished them, they are there again, needing to be done, like it never happened. It’s frustrating and makes us feel like we never achieve anything.
Crochet is so different from those never-ending chores. Every time you sit down to work on your crochet project, you can see you work literally appearing before your very eyes.
Every stitch you make builds on the top of the other as a proof of the work you put in. And once you are done, all the time you have put into your project is not lost. You have a finished product to show for it.
No matter how simple or small, it’s an achievement. It’s a tangible thing you can hold, use, gift or show off to your family and friends. It can bring joy to you, your family or someone in need. It’s a good feeling all around.
Joy of creativity
For some reason, for years, I thought of myself as someone who was not creative. I was really into math and logic and computers, and those and creativity don’t mix, right? So, as a result I didn’t touch creative projects with a ten-foot pole. And even though I learned how to crochet, knit and sew when I was young and did all those things, as I got older I felt that, I guess, I lost that creative groove?
We often think it’s not a big deal not to be creative and that it’s not practical and therefore not important or essential, but this can’t be further from the truth. Creativity feeds our soul, it’s that liquid that quenches our thirst that comes from the dry practicality of everyday life.
When my life got really stressful, like to the level where I began to doubt I could go on, the creativity that crochet brings was my saving grace. Being able to pour myself into a project, seeing the results of it in my hands, bringing up the smiles of those who saw it gave my days a whole new meaning.
Something just for you
Crochet really is self-care. It’s a time you can claim just for you. Time when the needs of everyone else can step away and the time for you can begin.
You know how they say – you can’t pour from an empty well. You work hard and carry the family on your shoulders – their needs, their worries, their pains and complaints. If you don’t take time to take care of yourself, you will eventually burn yourself out and won’t be able to take care of anyone.
Crochet gives you this private cocoon of a time where you can take a breather and recharge. Even knowing that you have a pocket of time every day just for you, will make you feel so much lighter and help you get through the tough moments.
When I included daily crochet practice in my life, it showed me I was more than just a mom, an employee, a care-taker. I was also my own person with original ideas, a creative spark, and dreams that went beyond the mundane. That made an incredible difference in my life. I also know that it made an incredible difference in the lives of my family who were happy to have wife, mom, and daughter happy, relax, and with a smile on her face.
Crochet is a creative, joyful and relaxing craft, which helps you relax, take mind off things and feel creative and accomplished. It made a world of difference in my life and I hope you give it a chance, and include it in your every day.
How is crochet making your life better? Share in the comments below.